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What's that line mean?
Vocab & References:
Act One, Scene Three

Act One, Scene Three 

Pg 42 – Charles - "detached house".

A house that is a stand-alone, single unit residence, as opposed to apartments, townhouses, etc. In America, we'd just call this a "house." In many moderately to heavily settled parts of England (including Brighton and, of course, London, which is only an hour north of the play's setting) a stand alone house would be viewed as quite luxurious, compared to the townhouses and other multi-dwelling buildings that cover the landscape.


Pg 42 – Charles - "a nine bob note".

A shilling was called a "bob," and a ten shilling note was a common currency. Thus, the same (admittedly offensive) phrase in America would read something like "queer as a three dollar bill."


Pg 42 – Charles - "Bobby Moore"

Famous British football player.


Pg 42 – Charles- "They've tried ... bricks thicker"

Charles insults his daughter, calling her "thick" (i.e., stupid). This phrase, fully parsed out, might read: "They've tried to make bricks thicker than she is, but so far, no success!


Pg 42 – Charlies - "Bunting"

Several possible types of fabric/flag displays--in the U.S., most commonly a suspended semi-circle of red, white, and blue. In England, the word usually refers to a length of rope suspending many small flags of various shapes (most often triangles, rectangles, or banners) hung as decoration for special events and holidays.











Pg 45 – Charlie - "Laurence Olivier"

The famous British actor and director. Incidentally, Olivier would have been directing Hamlet when this play takes place.



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Vocab & References:
Act One, Scene One
Vocab & References:
Act One, Scene Two
Vocab & References:
Act One, Scene Three
Vocab & References:
Act One, Scene Four
Vocab & References:
Act Two, Scene One
Vocab & References:
Act Two, Scene Two
Vocab & References:
Act Two, Scene Three
Vocab & References:
Act Two, Scene Four
Vocab & References:
Act Two, Scene Five
Vocab & References:
Act Two, Scene Six

© 2016 by John Michael Sefel, in service to the Ohio State University Theatre Department

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This site has been designed for the sole purpose of providing a dramaturgical resource guide for students involved with the Ohio State University Theatre Department's 2016 production of Richard Bean's One Man, Two Guvnors.
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